The Big Ask

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Simply asking more of people helps them to rise up to any occasion. What if you could achieve more for your business just by asking more of your team?

People are often flattered when asked to do something different or new. Asking the big and small questions, you will see your team and business enjoys success and thrive overall.

Ask for More
Think about how you can ask more of your staff. Shying away from asking them to take on challenges and big situations, you limit their growth and potential. By asking them to achieve, you empower them to do just that and they feel more significant too.

Ways to Ask Big
You will get further when you ask your team to assist with the big stuff.
• Ask them to do what they enjoy most.
• Ask them to use their skills and strengths.
• Ask them to do things that go along with their vision, morals, and values.
• Ask them to suggest ways they can assist.
• Ask them to stretch their wings and take the plunge to try new things.
• Ask them to think outside the box.

You have not because you ask not. Therefore, it’s time to start asking big.

10 Ways to have Confidence and Ask Big
1.  Seek out those who want to contribute.
2.  Be forthright and simply ask rather than skirt the issue.
3.  Give of yourself to others.
4.  Connect with people before you ask something of them.
5.  Let them have a chance to think your request over and resist the urge to fill space with words. Give them a chance to answer you.
6.  Take a poll and ask who would be interested in working on projects.
7.  Take steps to ask for smaller things before you ask big.
8.  Give people an out so that the ask is not actually an insisting situation.
9.  Accept people that say yes to your ask, even if they may not be the best fit. It could be an opportunity for growth.
10. Ask for suggestions when you ask someone to try something new.

Feel free to ask big of your team. Most likely, they will rise to the occasion if given the chance. Then watch the growth within your business and the dynamic solutions that are the result of asking big.

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JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772

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