Implementing big-business leadership in a small business

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Regardless of the size of your business, strong and effective leadership is the key to success. In order to pull this off, you need set a clear vision, engage your team, and get everyone focused on the common goals you wish to achieve.

The principles are the same for a large or small business, but the roll out can differ. Smaller companies don’t have the same training resources that larger firms do. However, there are several ways a small business can implement effective leadership that stays the course to reach the overall goals with a winning strategy. Try the following:

Clear Goals
Be sure to be clear on winning the final goal and destination as a team. Leaders must paint an accurate picture of the vision and what it takes to pull it off. People will flounder without purpose, strategy, and clarity.

In small businesses, there is often fewer resources and manpower. Therefore, it can be more of a challenge to stay the course with a particular vision. The goal should be to stick to your plan and focus on the clear win. Don’t let your team get scattered and off course. Strong leadership will ensure this does not happen.

Effective Communication
Once you’ve conveyed the goal, be sure to consistently communicate the steps it will take to achieve it. Good old fashion fact-to-face communication is still the best way to communicate in the business world. Smaller businesses really shine here because they are able to squeeze in more face time. Larger businesses have more miscommunication and longer wait times to get answers due to lack of simple in person conversations.

Small businesses should still use email and other methods of communication, but a strong leader will try and help foster in-person communication on a regular basis too.

Delegate Freely
Strong leaders must be willing to delegate and get comfortable doing so too. If you are a small business that holds onto everything, then you’ll be overwhelmed and business will suffer. Large company managers realize that they manage the people more than the work.

As a small business leader, figure out the workload that you could pass on to others and keep what you need to handle. Educate your team, send them to conferences, and give them materials to read in order to shape them to take on more responsibility.

Stay Focused
Small business leaders must keep their eye on the prize. What gets focused on actually gets done. Your team should see your focus and know what the top priorities are in order to stay focused on the vision at hand.
Professional leadership for small business will show evidence of a team on track, professional performance, and a team that works cohesively together. No matter the size of your company, outstanding leadership, coupled with clear vision, is essential.

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