Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? The Ten Spies vs. the Two Spies Numbers (13:1–14:10) AS ISRAEL approached the Jordan River, Moses sent out
JK Consultants Has 30 Years Of Global Leadership Recruitment Experience And Success
We work with clients to design roles and responsibilities and help them hire the right people. We help professionals advance their careers.Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? The Ten Spies vs. the Two Spies Numbers (13:1–14:10) AS ISRAEL approached the Jordan River, Moses sent out
Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? Leadership is for everyone!How can I make such a bold claim? Because every person who accepts Christ is
Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? Assyria’s King Failed to Develop Other Leaders and Paid for It Nahum (3:18, 19) Through Nahum, God offers
Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? Numbers 27:18–23 Of all the wonderful ways Moses expressed his leadership, the most strategic had to be
Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? Leaders Touch a Heart Before They Ask for a Hand 1 Kings 12:1–24 A LEADER can’t connect
Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer? Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win 2 Chronicles 34:3–35:19 HAVE YOU ever thought about what
Exodus 24:1–7 It was a watershed day for everyone—a whole new life had begun! The Israelites got off to a fresh start when they affirmed
1 Samuel 12—13 Have you ever wondered what gave Samuel such credibility with others? When he spoke, people listened. Few descriptions offer a greater compliment
BECOMING A LEADER is a lot like investing in the stock market. If you hope to make a fortune in a day, you’re doomed. It’s what you do day by day, over the long haul, that matters most. If you continually develop your leadership, letting your “assets” compound over time, the inevitable result is growth.
SECURITY PROVIDES the foundation for strong leadership. When we feel insecure, we drift from our mission whenever trouble arises. We must feel secure, or when people stop liking us; when funding drops; when morale dips; or when others reject or criticize us—we will crumble. If we do not feel secure, fear will eventually cause us to sabotage our leadership.