Are You An Effective Manager?

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You may have been managing people for years. You think that you know the ins and outs of managing people and running your department, but your boss says that you aren’t meeting the company goals. You’re cautioned to “get it (budget) in line or else.” You think, ” I am doing fine…the boss is being unrealistic.”

Or perhaps you’ve just been promoted to your first supervisory position. Your boss calls you in on Thursday, tells you how good of a job you are doing, shakes your hand, and tells you that starting Monday that you are in charge. No training, no guidance, just “do it.” It’s great to get a promotion, but don’t you wish you could have some training to be able to motivate others to do what you had done so well? To be able to deal with the people in this new position?

Your role as manager/supervisor is critical to organizational success. You are directly and indirectly responsible for the productivity of yourself and each of those individuals whom you supervise. Your functions now include establishing goals and priorities, planning, staffing, controlling, motivating, and producing for a profit. You will be called upon to be many things to many people.

What happens if the people who report directly to you or your team buck the system? No matter how hard you try to get them to do their work, to meet deadlines, be on-time, or comply with standards, they do just enough to keep from getting fired.

Stop blaming others. Look to yourself. Are you managing like a 19th century autocratic boss or 21st century leader?

To meet today’s challenges, you must ask yourself some difficult questions.

Rate yourself on the following questions:
Am I the best I can be?
Do I provide goal directed leadership?
Do I meet the needs of my people while satisfying the needs of the company?
Do I improve the productivity of my department and my team?
Am I current in my understanding and use of “people knowledge” and techniques to help individuals excel?
Am I operating with yesterday’s knowledge in today’s world?
Am I effective as a supervisor?
Can I become more effective?
Do I want to become more effective?
How can I become a better supervisor and/or manager?

Take a look at how your approach to management and supervising shapes up with what the management gurus consider the “right way.” Then set an action plan to develop the necessary skills. To have you must become!

If you need help finding your next STAR performer,

contact us and ask about our ONE YEAR GUARANTEE!

JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772

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