5 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

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Most people spend more time at work each week than anywhere else. In other words, it’s crucial to be with the right company rather than one that could be a detriment to your career.

The American Psychological Association conducted a study of employees in demanding positions with high levels of stress. Their findings determined that these people deal with high anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation and overall exhaustion.

If you choose to stay in a job that causes health issues, then you will hurt yourself and your career. Often employees stay at a company too long because change is difficult. However, there are five signs that it’s time to quit your job.

1. No Opportunity for Advancement
When you realize that you don’t have room to grow, then it’s time to move on. Don’t get so comfortable that you get stuck in a dead end position. Management should try to enhance your skillsets and value you as an asset to the team. If you don’t see their support, then your opportunity for advancement is slim.

2. Smarter than Your Boss
If you know more than your boss, then you have a problem. The company has a serious leadership issue when you have to help train your boss. Seek the help of upper management or simply purse a position with a more stable company.

3. You Hate Going to Work
If you despise the thought of going to work, then you need to make a change. Everyone wants to pull the covers over their head and occasionally just stay home for the day. However, don’t allow yourself to consistently dread the thought of going to work. This is not a good scenario for you or the company.

4. Lack Of Passion
When you don’t care about your success and feel a lack of interest in your company, then it’s time to go. You may still like your team, but if your hearts not in it, then you should do yourself and the company a favor by looking for a new job.

5. Home Life
Your family and friends should take precedent over your job. If you notice your home life is lacking attention, then you may need to cut back your hours and start looking for a new position with more flexibility.

The Choice to Leave
Be sure to show discretion when you choose to leave. Don’t give a laundry list of reasons that sound like an angry rant. Instead, tell your team that you’re pursing a new opportunity and wish them the best for the future.

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