The 30/60/90 Rule For A Successful Start

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Starting a new job is exciting, uncertain, and potentially overwhelming. However, you can rein in some of the emotions that follow those first few days and months by launching into the 30/60/90 day plan.

Organizational skills help alleviate the stress that comes with a new job. If you set a plan, you’ll find that organization will help you relax and feel confident.

Plans and routines allow us to know what to expect and help us to track progress regularly. A successful plan is to set up specific goals and actionable steps for the first 30, 60, and 90 days in your new position. It is also a good idea to confirm the plan with your supervisor. Proactive measures will ensure you exercise your full potential in this new role.

Most companies expect new employees to learn their job quickly and to do it with excellence. Creating your own 30/60/90 plan will help you be successful. Consider the following goals as you customize a plan for success as you begin your new position:

30 Days
New hires should take the time to learn about the company’s strategic plan. Taking time to study and learn the infrastructure is essential to your success in the first month of employment. Work to learn the following:
• Inquire about and understand your supervisor’s expectations of you.
• Become familiar with the company’s vision and mission.
• Work to form strong, professional relationships with co-workers.
• Study and learn about your company’s customers.

60 Days
After you familiarize yourself with the company, work to utilize your strengths in a way that offers the most value for the company, your supervisors, and your coworkers.
• Brand yourself with your strengths so that others recognize what you do best.
• Identify and then implement ways you can make a difference for the company.
• Share your thoughts and ideas in a way that contributes and enhances the conversations you have with everyone at work.
• Be a strong communicator. Let others see how you can benefit the overall vision.
• Keep in mind your supervisor’s expectations and the goals set for you.
• Diversify your skills and tasks by accepting those outside of your typical responsibilities.

90 Days
At the 90 day mark, you should feel secure in what is expected of you. Hopefully, you’ve gained some confidence and you are ready to take on more of a leadership role. Consider the following once you’ve hit this stage:
• Look for potential new projects and brainstorm solutions to bring to the table.
• Analyze the growth and potential in your department.
• Learn from your mistakes, adjust, and move forward.
• Broaden your horizons in the company by joining a team, committee, or after hours networking opportunities.

Writing a 30/60/90 plan for your new position will help you to advance in your new role. Further, you will be on your way to becoming an effective leader by laying the groundwork from the beginning.

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