Talent vs Engagement

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Having a satisfying work experience is important to the growth of your business. When an employee loves what they do and feels challenged by their job, they will perform with more enthusiasm. While talent can be an important criteria in a successful company, having employees that are excited to work for the company can be a big tool as well. To lead your team in a successful business endeavor, these are some areas that can bring life back into your unengaged workforce.

Instill Confidence:
Often times, individuals who are talented and capable of doing a task are not confident enough in themselves to perform at a high level. In that case, as a leader it is important for you to identify the lack of confidence and encourage them to do more. Giving them a task that is outside of their comfort zone and allowing them to use their best judgment will go a long way in instilling confidence.

Invite Participation:
In many companies, inviting the employees to give feedback and suggestions about daily functions within their work capacity can truly boost engagement.

If they can establish some amount of ownership over their task and area of expertise, they will most certainly work harder. Whenever an individual has the ability to make decisions, they will feel more a part of the team.

Stimulate Growth:
Encourage your employees to grow, learn, and be better in doing their job. It is important to provide training & development opportunities for all employees. This is a great way to get someone excited about their job as well as learn better, more efficient ways to accomplish the tasks at hand. When you are in a learning environment, it stimulates growth and overall creativity.

Give Praise:
Show those that are part of your team that you value their participation and involvement in the company. Even though these individuals are paid to be there and do the job, everyone likes to be thanked for a job well done. Do not underestimate the power that praise gives to your employees.

At the end of the day, you may find that you have employees that have become highly engaged with their job and they will produce better quality work. On the other hand, it may still not be enough if the team lacks the talent it needs to excel. Finding the right balance of talented and engaged workers is no easy task. Continue to seek out talented employees and create an exciting work environment to give yourself the best odds at success.

If you have any questions about this article or need help getting your talent engaged, contact us today! Contact JK Consultants today!

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