Preparing for a job interview

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Preparing for an interview in any field is extremely important. You’ve probably been on lots of interviews, had good ones & bad ones, but you really want to get ready and prepare for this one because it is your dream job.

Tips to prepare include:

1. Know something about the company!
Anyone can go online and read the basic info about a company. Go the extra mile on this and really research the insurance company. Be sure to know the ins and outs of the company and pepper the info into your conversation with your interviewer.
Topics to be familiar with include:

• How long has the company been in business?
• Number of employees
• What are the largest competitors?
• Is there a “story” about how the company started?
• Number of locations, employees, included states and cities where they operate
• Full list of services and any products offered

2. Be you.
Don’t get to salesy when it comes to what you can do for the company. Just try and be you. Let them see your strengths and be honest about things that are a bit harder for you. Explain how you have overcome those things.

Those that are hiring what to see your personality and the “human” side of you. Do they like you enough to work with you? They won’t be able to tell if you constantly spew out info about how great you are. Be real and remember to just be you.

3. Prepare answers in advance.
Don’t let your interviewer stump you! Practice your answers to commonly asked questions. Also, prepare a few questions to ask them. The goal is to be ready and not struggle for your words.
By preparing in advance, you’ll look more confident and be able to answer the questions without any glitch or break down communication wise.

4. Follow up
So often, people don’t follow up anymore. Terrible form! I think that follow up is key to standing out. Other candidates will fall by the wayside because they forget this important step. Plan ahead to get your interviewer’s business card so you can follow up later with a call or email.

Preparing for an interview is essential! Don’t go in there and wing it. You must try to stand out, be professional, look the part and be both prepared and confident.

Proper preparation prevents poor performance!

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