Why new staff orientation is so important

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Hiring on and training new staff is one of the biggest challenges that employers face. These individuals will make the difference between success and failure in your business. Here are the top reasons that staff orientation is so important.

Employees Need to Understand Your Values
In a new employee orientation, information about your business should be the place you start. Where else are your new staff members going to learn about your passions and visions for the company? This is an important part of any orientation, as it helps the employee understand the culture of your business and why they need to get on board.

Company Culture Shines Through in Orientation
A new staff person’s first impression of your company’s culture will be evident through the orientation they receive. If the orientation is not put together well, the individuals will have a good idea of how the business is run.

If you can’t take your own business seriously by putting together a valuable orientation, then how can you expect people that work for you to take you seriously?

Introduce all new personnel to what is important to you as an employer by creating an orientation that will give them valuable information.

Customer Service Expectations Must Be Explained
During the orientation process, you need to communicate clearly how the new team member should serve customers. This is a very valuable part of the process.

You cannot assume that they will know how to treat customers to your liking. It doesn’t matter how much experience they have the industry. All businesses handle this aspect of the business differently.

Employees Need to Meet Leadership
In the orientation, new employees need a chance to meet existing leadership and hear from them personally. Companies that lead from the front are the ones that are successful. As a CEO, it is part of your job to introduce yourself to those that your company employs.

Many companies let out a sigh of relief after they have hired on new staff members. They feel that this is the hardest part of the process. The truth is, molding and shaping the new employees into people that are a good fit for the company is the real challenge.

If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with your current team building, performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us today!

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