Major Challenges CEOs Are Facing During the Pandemic

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The pandemic of 2020 has brought a lot of stress and anxiety for people all over.  People owning and running a business are absolutely no exception to that. Trying to stay afloat in a world where people are told to stay home and don’t go shopping unless absolutely necessary.

It is not easy and causes a lot of challenges for keeping a business going. There are many different things the CEO’s are facing right now during this time. Here are a few of the most common challenges that they are facing throughout this uncertain time.

When Is It Safe to Return to Work?

Many places are needing their employees to return to work to keep the business running. Then they have to think about if it is safe. Trying to keep people healthy and safe is the main priority through this whole thing. Places who have the ability to work from home are in a little bit better of a situation, but it is still not exactly the same.

What If Someone Tests Positive?

While it has been said people can return to work, the doors are able to be open, precautions are to be taken, you may still have concerns. As the one in charge, it can be hard to make the decisions that you need to about opening the doors.

What happens if someone tests positive? Do we close again, send everyone home, quarantine? Even if all necessary steps have been adhered to, the reality of someone testing positive is a concern. The leadership team has to be prepared for this scenario and have a plan ready to put into action.

Do What You Can to Stay Positive

In these uncertain times keeping up confidence is not an easy task. Employees have just as much stress as those in charge. They’re concerned with their health and the risk of contracting the virus and bringing it home to their families. The future of their jobs is on their minds and many other stressors.

When the morale of a company is high it has been shown over and over that production is also increased. Likewise, when morale is down, production tends to decrease as well. Being a leader is tough even when things are good but given the current conditions leadership positions are even harder. The key to surviving the CEO world in these times is to just keep moving forward.

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