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Young job seekers are often unaware of the potential infosec job opportunities that are out there for them. They’d be outstanding in these roles but recent surveys show that they don’t know how to find them.
In the information security profession, we often find a gap when it comes to talent and skillsets. There are plentiful security jobs but not enough candidates to fill these important roles.
In general, women are less interested in these jobs than men. The age range of about 18-26 year olds would fit these positions really well but they don’t know what is involved or how to find the open positions.
One survey found that 62% of adults said that no one had mentioned these types of positions in the security field. Clearly, they don’t realize these jobs are out there and somehow we need to get the word to millennials because they are slated to fit these positions quite well.
The question that we need answered is how to remedy the situation. Companies are having a hard time filling positions with talented individuals in the security arena.
Ways to change this and fill positions include:
1. Increase awareness
Security field positions should be heavily marketed at college and high school job fairs. We need to get the word out in blogs and social medial because that’s where young professionals are reading and searching for potential opportunities.
2. Educate our youth
School administrators, guidance counsellors and advisors need to share these great opportunities with young adults. They need to hear that these career opportunities exist and are valuable for the future.
How do we expect them to get on board and show interest if no one educates them? Security field positions need to be more visible and include more information whenever possible to entice young job seekers.
3. Males and Females
The lack of interest on females could change in the future. We have a trend that men are more likely to apply for and accept these positions. Mentors in the industry should rise up and spend time with these young professionals. Help them to have a vision and see the importance of security, especially in today’s age of technology.
Young job seekers are a shew in for infosec job opportunities. Let’s make them more enticing and available so that we can secure outstanding candidates for these valuable positions.
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