Improve Your Recruiting Processes

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Acquiring top talent is difficult and yet so crucial to your business’ success. Technology has advanced the recruitment process and coupled with some element of human interaction only secures better candidates.

Today, there are plentiful technological recruiting and assessment options. However, companies are not able to measure the long-term impact of these hiring advances as well as you’d think. They struggle to pinpoint the level of quality hires and how long they stay.

Hiring managers expect more out of their candidates, especially after they’ve been given assessments and the tools necessary to reveal whether they are the right person for the position or not. They want to enhance the process in order to attract and then secure better employees.

Acquisitions are important, time-consuming, and potentially costly during the recruitment process. Ever wondered how this process could improve? It’s a common question amongst hiring managers and HR departments. The more the system is fine-tuned the better for all involved.

In October 2016, there was a survey of 200 hiring managers that revealed some interesting results.
1. The hiring managers that responded said they wanted to see the recruitment process improved by their HR department.
2. They reported the desire for a more data-driven process when given the task to hire top candidates.

Recruitment Process
Larger organizations often consist of hiring managers that are frustrated by the challenges associated with recruitment. The survey revealed that they feel like HR should improve the process by utilizing different recruitment tactics.

Data-Driven Process
Hiring managers want to pursue top talent and believe the process should be data-driven. They want candidates to complete assessments and take the information gathered for consideration during the hiring process. Talent acquisition based on facts and data will ensure a better candidate and most likely a longer term employee.

Hiring managers rely on HR to set an acquisition system in place. When they don’t consider best practices and stick to the old way of doing things, they hurt their team and the ability to secure the most talented candidates for open positions. Further, data is a useful tool that will enable a more well-rounded decision to be made when selecting a candidate.

Consider these things and bring them up for discussion as a team in order to create a more seamless recruitment process for your company. Working together as a team will ensure you acquire better candidates while improving employee morale and your bottom line over time.

If you need help finding your next STAR performer,

contact us and ask about our ONE YEAR GUARANTEE!

JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772

Our 1 Year Guarantee: 97% of the candidates we place have 4+ year tenures with their organizations.

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