Focus More On Productivity Than Hours Worked

Do you have set working hours for your employees? Regular business hours look something like 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or could be 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Many times though, employees are needed past those regular business hours. This can become stressful and overwhelming for them. Here are some ways to focus more on the productivity of your employees rather than the number of hours they are working.

Communicate With Your Employees Regularly
One of the most important aspects of someone’s personal life and business life is communication. No matter what you are trying to accomplish, it will be done more effectively when there is communication. You don’t want to put stress and anxiety on one of your employees, as this can lead to lessening the effectiveness of their job.

Simply checking in with your employees regularly to see where they are can help. This also gives them the chance to ask any questions they may have or if they need help. To be more proactive and start the conversation, think about asking questions such as:

  • Are You Comfortable With This Assignment?
  • Do You Have Any Concerns About Your Work?
  • Do You Need Help With Completing Your Assignment?
  • Can I Help In Any Way?
  • Do You Need More Resources?

Have A Rotations System
The nature of the job that your employees are performing is important to keep in mind. If you have employees performing high-demand jobs that’ll eventually take a toll on their mental health, you need to rotate them. Allow them a period of time that they can perform a less taxing job.

Help Your Employees Prioritize Their Time
Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out where to start. Employees can benefit from a bit of help prioritizing their workload. A little insight from you can help them know what needs to be done first and how to get it done on time. Try and use a system that shows them in what order you want the work done. Label the assignments with:

  • Urgent
  • Pivotal
  • Moderate
  • Low

Disperse Work Evenly To Avoid Overload
It is so easy to overwork a reliable employee unmeaningfully. You have some employees who you now will perform effectively and thoroughly. This happening time in and time out can make a negative impact on that employee. It is always important to disperse work evenly to avoid overloading your employees.


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