Do You Nag Your Employees? Do This Instead

There are times that employees will mess up or not be running at full potential. It can be hard not to nag during these times. You are better off nudging them about concerns you are having.

What Is Nagging?
The word nagging is typically used in a negative way. When people say that someone is nagging them, it isn’t usually followed by a positive comment. It is looked at as an annoyance or a problem that someone has with someone.

When the word nagging is used to describe a leader, it isn’t a good thing. Gentle or appropriate nudges are much more effective. The definition of nagging is commonly described as:

  • Harassment
  • Complaining
  • Grumbling
  • Criticizing
  • Scolding
  • And More

What Is Nudging?
Leaders who nudge their employees can receive much better results than when they nag them. You can give simple yet firm nudges to get your point across. It can discourage employees when they feel that their superiors are nagging them.

The difference between nudging and nagging can have a fine line dividing them. Your employees will respond much better to a nudge. The description of nudging can be described with these words:

  • Encourage
  • Prompt
  • Coax
  • Lead
  • Nicely Push

How To Nudge, Rather Than Nag
Everyone works differently. Specific strategies work well for one person and not for others. The way you nudge your employees should be tailored to their individual personalities. Some beneficial ways that you can go about nudging your employees are:

  • Don’t Be Transparent, Make Yourself Clear- When you give an employee a clear and direct response, you will get better results. Transparent remarks can leave people unclear about what you want them to do. You can have a lot less confusion when you nudge someone in the right direction with clear directions.
  • Allow The Employee To Make A Choice, Don’t Take Over- When you nudge someone of something they should be doing, you’re not ordering. You are presenting it as a choice that they have to make. It is ultimately up to them to follow what you are saying.
  • Make Your Nudges Individualized To The Employee- Think about the individual characteristics of the employee that you are speaking to. This is one reason it is good to know your employees and be involved. That way, you can nudge them in a way that you know they will respond to.


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