Building Trust While Working Remotely

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With the current situation that is going on in the world with the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are working remotely. Some places have been using remote technology for many years and some are in a learning process through this. In many cases, businesses are realizing that they can work just as well remotely as in the office.

There is one thing that stands true though, you have to build a sense of trust with your employees that they are following protocol even at home. Trust is something that you build with someone usually in person, but working remotely puts a challenging twist on that. Some of the ways that you can still trust and even build trust in someone while at a distance are explained below.

Be Predictable
Being predictable in your job is a great way to build trust with your work peers. When you show up every day on time it can help to build trust, even if it is on the computer. Always try to be available during your working hours and following through with deadlines in critical.

Working from home is a whole new world for many people. Many have kids home and other family members home as well. It can be hard to find your groove and stay focused at home. Try to be predictable and be there when you are needed.

Stay In Touch
When you are working in person, you get to learn from people and know them. Working remotely makes that a little bit different. You have to get to know people through a computer screen. Keeping in touch with your fellow employees can help them to build trust in you.

You build friendships with people when working together, even if it is just a work friendship. When you begin remotely working, you are not able to do that the same way. Checking in with people and seeing how they are doing can help to not only build trust but encourage one another through this difficult time.

Be Supportive
As mentioned above, this is a whole new concept for many people. Whether it is for you or not, be supportive of one another. Not everyone does well with change. It may be a harder task to work from home than others. Don’t harass or put down others for struggles, try to uplift them and help them when they need it. Trust is built through supportive measures as well.

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