Having the ability to communicate to your employees in the time of a crisis is an important quality to possess. During this time in the world right now, everyone is so uncertain and unsure of what is to come. The uncertainty of how things are going to go can cause stress and anxiety for the employees.
You as the leader can keep in contact with your employees to see how they are doing. Helping them to feel secure in the decisions that are being made. The thought of losing their jobs and things shutting down is scary for everyone. During this time of crisis there are some things as the person in charge can do to help.
1. Communicate Frequently
When an employee feels that they are informed and kept in the loop of what is going on it can alleviate anxiety. Communication between you and your employees, especially during a crisis, should happen more often than you think. It can assure the employees that you are in control and will support them through all the tough times that come about.
2. Avoid Areas of Confusion
Try to make the lines of communication straightforward, this point also stems off of communication. When employees are confused it can lead to them spreading information that is’t true or exactly correct. If they are informed correctly and left no room for confusion, your workplace will be more productive during these trying times.
3. Have A Plan
During times that are stressful and uncertain it can be helpful to have a plan set in place. It will help your staff to feel more comfortable and confident in what is happening. Your employees will stay more calm as they understand what is going on and what happens during certain situations.
4. Motivate Your Employees
You can’t avoid these situations but you can help them to run more smoothly. If they feel that you are controlling the situation and have guidelines set in place for times like these, they will work more effectively during those times. Communication and support are key to helping keep your business under control during times of crisis.
It is inevitable that in times like these, employees are going to be worried about their jobs. Being out of work wasn’t something that anyone had planned for. Open communications that aren’t leaving them feeling confused about what is going to happen will help them to be less stressed.